MESHmachine v0.7.1 for Blender

MESHmachine v0.7.1 for Blender

المتطلبات: خلاط 2.83 ، 2.9 ، 2.91 ، 2.92 | حجم الملف: 68 ميجا بايت

MESHmachine عبارة عن ملحق لنمذجة شبكة الخلاط مع التركيز على العمل السطحي الصعب بدون أسطح التقسيم الفرعي. سمات

Requirement: Blender 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92 | File size: 68 MB
MESHmachine is a blender mesh modeling addon with a focus on hard surface work without subdivision surfaces. Features
- turn chamfers into fillets/bevels and back
- change the width of a chamfer or bevel
- create variable fillets and washouts
- unbevel and unchamfer to go back to a hard edge
- practically edit existing existing bevels
- resolve tricky geometry overlaps in cases where two bevels meet
- flatten polygons based on another polygon or flatten a polygon based on 3 vertices
- flatten along a normal or flatten along edges
- redirect chamfer flow by turning the corners
- convert triangular bevel corners into quad corners
- plug details into your mesh
- build your own plugs and create/buy/sell plug libraries
- stash objects or face selections, creating create backups, that can be brought back or referenced by other tools, without cluttering the scene
- conveniently add boolean modifiers and create automatic stashes, when applying the mods
- cleanup booleans and create clean perimeter loops around their intersections
- create flattened, straightened and transferred custom normals
- symmetrize meshes including their custom normals
- turn mirror modifiers into real objects
- loop select, sharp select and vertex group select, all using a single keymap
- best documentation in the business

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