قوالب فوتوشوب ذات طبقات وكل ما عليك فعله هو ببساطة استبدال الطبقات كما ترغب High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD 2

قوالب فوتوشوب ذات طبقات وكل ما عليك فعله هو ببساطة استبدال الطبقات كما ترغب High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD 2

High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD 2

عبارة عن تصاميم للفوتوشوب قابلة لتعديل الطبقات بما يتناسب مع فكرتك او طلبك مما يعني أنه يمكنك اللعب بالطبقات المختلفة (السماء والطيور والبشر) ، فهي عبارة عن قوالب فوتوشوب ذات طبقات وكل ما عليك فعله هو ببساطة استبدال المبنى الحالي بمبنىك. المنظور المعماري هو موقع ويب يبيع خلفيات منظور الفوتوشوب الجاهزة.

meaning to say you get to toy around with the various layers (sky, birds, human), they are layered photoshop templates and all you have to do is simply replace the existing building with yours. Architectural Perspective is a website that sell these ready made photoshop perspective backdrops.



 بسعر رمزي طريقة الاشتراك بالعضوية المميزة   VIP

تحميل مباشر العضوية المميزة تيلجرام

تحميل مباشر العضوية المميزة

  روابط مجانية  


High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part01.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part02.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part03.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part04.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part05.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part06.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part07.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part08.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part09.rar


High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part01.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part02.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part03.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part04.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part05.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part06.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part07.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part08.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part09.rar


High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part01.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part02.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part03.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part04.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part05.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part06.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part07.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part08.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part09.rar


High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part01.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part02.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part03.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part04.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part05.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part06.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part07.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part08.rar
High quality architectural-perspective -LAYERED PSD.part09.rar

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