Proko - Drawing Basics
في هذه الدورة ، ستتعلم المفاهيم الأساسية للرسم ، والتي يمكن تطبيقها على أي شكل من أشكال الفن المرئي. تم تصميم الدورة لتكون جذابة وغنية بالمعلومات وسهلة المتابعة. سوف تتعلم كيفية استخدام اللغة المرئية للرسم للتواصل مع الصور وكيفية الرسم من كل من الخيال والمرجع. الدورة مقسمة إلى أقسام مختلفة ،
In this course, you will learn the fundamental concepts of drawing, which can be applied to any form of visual art. The course is designed to be engaging, informative, and easy to follow. You will learn how to use the visual language of drawing to communicate with pictures and how to draw from both imagination and reference. The course is divided into different sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of drawing, such as line quality,
shape, perspective, form, light and shading. The course also includes projects tailored to beginners and intermediate artists, allowing you to go through the course twice, once as a beginner and once as an intermediate artist. This course will help you build a solid foundation of skills that will be useful for any specialty, whether you are interested in becoming a fine art painter, concept artist, or comic artist.
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