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LinkedIn Learning – Leveraging AI in Adobe Photoshop and Creative Cloud

LinkedIn Learning - Leveraging AI in Adobe Photoshop and Creative Cloud

LinkedIn Learning - Leveraging AI in Adobe Photoshop and Creative Cloud

تمتلئ أدوات Adobe Creative Cloud بميزات موفرة للوقت وتعزز الإبداع مبنية على أساس الذكاء الاصطناعي. سواء كان الأمر يتعلق بجعل إخفاء القناع أسهل في Photoshop و Lightroom ، أو التحرير في Illustrator ، أو مطابقة الخطوط المماثلة في InDesign ، فإن ميزات الذكاء الاصطناعي في تطبيقات Creative Cloud هي 'طيارين إبداعيين' يبسطون المهام الشاقة وتمكنك من التركيز على الإبداع. في هذه الدورة ، يعرّفك Bart Van de Wiele من Adobe على Adobe Sensei - الذكاء الاصطناعي وتقنية التعلم الآلي من Adobe - وتفاصيل حيث ستجد ميزات الذكاء الاصطناعي عبر عائلة Creative Cloud وكيفية تحقيق أقصى استفادة منها.

The Adobe Creative Cloud tools are filled with time-saving, creativity-enhancing features built on a foundation of artificial intelligence. Whether it's making masking easier in Photoshop and Lightroom, editing in Illustrator, or matching similar fonts in InDesign, the AI features in the Creative Cloud apps are "creativity copilots" that simplify tedious tasks and enable you to concentrate on creativity. In this course, Adobe's Bart Van de Wiele introduces you to to Adobe Sensei—Adobe's artificial intelligence and machine learning technology—and details where you'll find AI features across the Creative Cloud family and how to get the most out of them.

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LinkedIn Learning - Leveraging AI in Adobe Photoshop and Creative Cloud

LinkedIn Learning - Leveraging AI in Adobe Photoshop and Creative Cloud

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LinkedIn Learning - Leveraging AI in Adobe Photoshop and Creative Cloud
LinkedIn Learning - Leveraging AI in Adobe Photoshop and Creative Cloud 7


LinkedIn Learning - Leveraging AI in Adobe Photoshop and Creative Cloud
LinkedIn Learning - Leveraging AI in Adobe Photoshop and Creative Cloud 8

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